June 14, 2024 | Flash Brief

Most Palestinians Support October 7 Attack, Dissatisfied With Abbas and Fatah

June 14, 2024 | Flash Brief

Most Palestinians Support October 7 Attack, Dissatisfied With Abbas and Fatah

Latest Developments

More than two-thirds of Palestinians support Hamas’s decision to launch its killing spree in southern Israel on October 7, according to a Palestinian poll released on June 12. The poll, published by the Ramallah-based non-profit Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, also indicates that Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah faction remain deeply unpopular. On the issue of food security, 64 percent of Palestinians in Gaza responded that they have enough food for one or two days. Some of the aid donated to the Palestinians is being sold in Gaza on the black market.

Expert Analysis

“Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza are deeply radicalized to hate Israel and Jews. Deradicalization of Palestinian society — in the government, schools, mosques, and media — needs to go to the top of ‘day after’ policy discussions.” — Richard Goldberg, FDD Senior Advisor

“By intensifying hostility towards Israel and increasingly recognizing a Palestinian state that has yet to develop, the international community is rewarding Hamas for massacring Jews. Palestinians are understanding the message loud and clear: violence works.” — David May, FDD Research Manager and Senior Research Analyst

Widespread Support for Hamas’s October 7 Attack

Only nine percent of Palestinians think that Hamas has committed war crimes since October 7, while 90 percent of Palestinians have not seen videos showing Hamas’s treatment of Israeli civilians. Additionally, increased international political attacks on Israel and growing support for Palestinian statehood have reinforced the Palestinians’ positive view of the October 7 atrocities, with 82 percent of Palestinians believing that the attack has “revived international attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and that it could lead to increased recognition of Palestinian statehood.”

Plurality of Palestinians Support Hamas

Satisfaction with Hamas’s performance since October 7 stands at 75 percent, compared to 24 percent for its rival, Fatah. Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar enjoys a 65 percent satisfaction rating compared to Abbas’s 10 percent. Nearly 90 percent of Palestinians want Abbas to resign.

The poll also found that 40 percent of Palestinians support Hamas, compared to only 20 percent for Fatah. The poll found that 69 percent view the PA as a burden, 65 percent oppose a two-state solution, and 63 percent support armed intifada.

If a three-way election occurred between Marwan Barghouti, who is serving multiple life sentences for his role in the murder of Jews during the Second Intifada, Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh, and Abbas, 42 percent would support Barghouti, 27 percent would support Haniyeh, and five percent would support Abbas. In a contest between Haniyeh and Abbas, Haniyeh would prevail with 43 percent to Abbas’s 11 percent.

Poll: Hamas Remains Popular Among Palestinians,” FDD Flash Brief

Facing Low Poll Numbers, PA President Pushes for Palestinian Statehood,” FDD Flash Brief

Support for Hamas Surges in the West Bank,” FDD Flash Brief



Israel Israel at War Palestinian Politics



Fatah Gaza Strip Hamas Ismail Haniyeh Israel Jewish people Mahmoud Abbas Marwan Barghouti Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research Palestinian National Authority Palestinians Ramallah Second Intifada West Bank